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Third Friday Céilí w/Maldon Meehan

  • Waverly United Church of Christ 3300 Southeast Woodward Street Portland, OR, 97202 United States (map)

An Céilí Beag is our all-sets céilí held on the third Friday of the month. This three-hour event features a mixture of taught and called set dances by Maldon Meehan and other members of the set dancing community, accompanied by live music by both superb local musicians and occasional special guest musicians. All are welcome to come and participate in whichever way they feel moved. $15 door; bring a water bottle, towel, and non-scuffing slick or leather-soled shoes. Please, no street shoes!

Music by Biddy On The Bench

Calling by Maldon Meehan & friends

May 10

North-End Slow Session

May 17

Tune Explorers Learning Session